Enhancing artistic ability
and wellness.
A strengthened creative
and cultural industry.
Sekoya East Africa is an arts organization building capacity among emerging artists and using the arts to improve well being of children and youth in East Africa.
We believe arts and culture have a fundamental role in holistic human development and work to enable creative expression and cultural engagement where it has been hindered by education, financial, appreciation and other barriers.
We believe building the arts begins with strong artistic communities working together whose doors are open to all artistic abilities and channels of growth affordable.
Our Core Values
Collaborative Community
We believe building the arts begins with strong artistic communities working together whose doors are open to all artistic abilities and channels of growth affordable.
Freedom In Innovation
We encourage openness in creative expression and incorporation of personal style while it.
Peer Support
We are quick to be creative companions to artists in the foundational stages of personal and professional development where it is needed the most.
Inspired by our name root ‘sequoia’ we are driven by an attitude of firmness and tap into creativity as a means to achieving it.