Creating a network for
crafts and culture professionals.
We have established a community for the creators we serve to enable skill sharing, mentorship, peer support and accountability as they build their brands. Our community is open and free for all emerging craft artists and other creatives to join, regardless of your artistic skill level. Every Friday we have a virtual conversation where different creative entrepreneurship topics are covered.
Members of our community are also the first to know when projects are happening and get an opportunity to volunteer in producing them. We also promote their work online and through Sekoya Magazine.
We invite creators who have been in the industry for about 3 years to volunteer in mentoring the merging artists in our community. The mentorship is centred around knowledge sharing so you will be answering questions artists may have in production of craft work, growing a market base, managing their businesses and overall professional development. You will also get to be considered as a facilitator, consultant or partner for our programs.